
Hello! My name is Rachel Sorensen and I am a fourth year biology student. I’ve designed this blog as an assignment for the BIOL 3500 (Histology) course at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Hopefully my series of posts can help you learn a little about the histology of bird beaks, and how the specialization of these tissues act as a key characteristic for the success and continued biodiversity of avian species.  

Who are the Class Aves?

Class Aves is a class of vertebrates that includes the birds. Although birds are a close relative to the reptilians and live in close association with the mammals, this division of animals has numerous specializations that distinguish them from other animals across the globe. While characteristics such as feathers, fused metatarsals, a unique digestive system, and the ability to engage in flapping flight are important indicators of this class, the evolution of a toothless beak is equally critical. The avian beak and its morphological flexibility between orders, families, and species of birds has not only allowed permitted birds to become specialized in diet relative to other animals, but has granted birds the ability to diversify and colonize a variety of ecological niches relative to one another (Bhullar et al., 2015).

Origin of the Bird Beak: Way Back When... 

The evolution of avian biodiversity and specializations of the bird beak spiked just after the end-Cretaceous extinction event (Bhullar et al., 2015). 

Birds actually evolved from REPTILES!

  • Ancestral reptiles had paired, compact premaxillary bones, giving them a snout to explore the environment.
  • Although this greatly contrasts what we visualize about birds, the premaxilla is also a very important bone in the internal anatomy of the beak. In modern birds, the premaxilla bones have become fused and elongate.

Figure 2: Comparison of reptilian and avian facial characteristics, demonstrating the fused and elongate premaxilla of birds. 

The Big Picture
Although the fully developed forms of bird beaks are highly variable, the basics of gross anatomy stay consistent amongst species (Van Hemert et al., 2012).

Deep inside the bird beak is a framework of bone, which is supplied by a vascular layer of blood vessels and nerves. Externally, what covers these layers and makes the beak so visually interesting is a thick layer of keratinized epidermis (Chewy Editorial, 2018).  

The keratin forms a sheath around the beak, otherwise defined as the rhamphotheca (Macwhirter, 2009). The sheath enclosing the upper jaw is the rhinotheca, while the sheath along the lower jaw is the gnathotheca.


The beak consists of upper maxillary bones and lower mandibular bones (Chewy Editorial, 2018). 

To effectively adapt to flight, birds have evolved pneumatic bones in several areas, including the skull. This means there are pockets of air within the tissue, making them much lighter than mammals (Jacob, 2018). 


While the external layer of the bird beak is keratinized and the internal layer is composed of bone, there are important structures for respiration and olfaction that lie in between (Van Hemert et al., 2012).

The nasal passages on the upper beak are lined with hyaline cartilage, surrounded by connective tissue, abundant in elastin and collagen fibres. In terms of epithelia, there are different categories of cells localized to different locations of the beak.
  • Stratified squamous epithelium lining the rostral nasal chamber.
  • Respiratory epithelium in the middle nasal chamber and infraorbital sinus. This is pseudostratified, ciliated, columnar epithelia. 
  • Olfactory epithelium in the caudal chamber. This involves a layer of simple cuboidal cells.

On both the upper and lower portions of the beak, there are also salivary glands. These are exocrine glands, and assist in lubricating food entering the digestive system 
(Widlife Rehabber, 2018).

Figure 5: The upper beak of a Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)(Van Hemert et al., 2012). A) Basement membrane, salivary glands, and cartilage of the rostral nasal passage. B) Hyaline cartilage, pseudo stratified respiratory epithelium bearing cilia, and mucus glands of the nasal passage. C) Salivary glands and simple cuboidal olfactory epithelium. D) Hyaline cartilage and stratified squamous epithelium of the rostral nasal passage. 

The highly vascularized layer of the beak is the dermis, which is concentrated with blood vessels and nerves (Van Hemert et al., 2012). 

The dermis becomes progressively thicker nearing the beak tip, and contains branches of trigeminal nerves, facial nerves, arteries, and veins.

Figure 6: Transverse section of the upper (A) and lower (B) beak of a Black-Capped Chickadee, demonstrating a bony core, dermal, and epidermal layers. Vascularization of this area is specifically shown through channels within the bone. Here there are large blood vessels located next to bundles of arteries and veins (Van Hemert et al., 2012).  

The dermis also has papillae surrounding the circumference of the tissue, and stopping just before reaching the keratinized layer. The papillae function to bring nutrients and oxygen to other layers epidermis.

There are also HERBST CORPUSCLES present within the dermis, in close association with the bone tissue of the premaxilla and lower mandible (Van Hemert et al., 2012). 

Herbst corpuscles are nerve endings that function as touch receptors, very similarly to the well-known pacinian corpuscles (“Corpuscles of Herbst”, 2018).  

"Wading birds” are well known for having high concentrations of herbst corpuscles in the pits of the mandible. 
  • Wading birds are species located on shorelines and mudflats, including cranes, herons, flamingos, and many others. 
  • Having a high concentration of these touch receptors in the beak allows the birds to sense prey beneath damp substrate.

A common coloration characteristic of bird species is a distinct black beak

This trait is ALSO attributed to the tissue inside the beak, which hosts an abundance of melanocytes (Van Hemert et al., 2012). 
  • Melanocytes are melanin-synthesizing cells, derived from the neural crest cells in the stratum basal of the epidermis (Derm 101, 2018).

Figure 8: The Royal Spoonbill (Platalea regia), a New Zealand species showing a striking black beak. 


As you’ve already learned, the rhinotheca and gnathotheca are composed of the protein KERATIN, sheathing the beak.

Specialized epidermal cells, the keratinocytes, produce keratin as part of the keratinization process (Fusenig et al., 1980). Keratin is defined as a fibrous protein with molecules of sulphur, forming the basis of horny epidermal tissue (“Keratin”, 2018).

The basement membrane separates the epidermis from the dermis (Van Hemert et al., 2012). Proliferating epidermal cells are located at the stratum basale of the epidermis, attached to the basement membrane (Gilaberte et al., 2016). 

At this stage, keratin is already primitively formed, but has not yet packed nor formed cross-linked disulfide bonds to provide the strength observed in later versions of the tissue. 

Keratinization involves numerous maturation steps, leading to cell death and degeneration of nuclei and organelles in the upper layers of the epidermis. 

Figure 9: Layers of the epidermis. 

The dead cells become engorged with keratin, forming the stratum corneum, which acts as a horny outer layer of the epidermis. Due to the action of corneodesmosomes, the cells are strongly linked together, providing an insoluble barrier to the surface of the beak (Ishida-Yamamoto & Igawa, 2015). 

Figure 10: Beak of a Black-capped Chickadee showing mild hyperkeratosis of the stratum corneum (Van Hemert et al., 2012). 

The mature keratinocytes conform to the general shape of the beak, to maintain smoothness and structural integrity.

However, the keratinocytes making up the superficial layer lining the beak are not arranged uniformly (Van Hemert et al., 2012). This surface may show signs of abrasion, due to the occasional rambunctious activities in the life of a bird!

Figure 11: Two sassy sparrows - an example of how beak abrasions may be inflicted in the wild! 

As you've learned, birds have become extremely diverse based on the variability of beak shapes, which allowed them to occupy and succeed in different ecological niches. 

Here are some COOL functional examples of the avian beak!

1. THE GREAT BLUE HERON (Ardea herodias)
This bird has a beak like a spear ("Great Blue Heron", 2018).  
  • Because the Great Blue Heron feeds primarily on small fish in an aquatic environment, this beak shape allows the heron to jab its prey. 
Figure 12: A Great Blue Heron using it's spear-like beak to feed on fish. 

2. THE MERLIN (Falco columbarius)
The Merlin is a species of falcon. This bird has a sharp point on the tip of it's beak ("Merlin", 2018). 
  • Because the Merlin feeds primarily on other birds by catching them through a high-speed air chase, this sharp point allows this species to tear flesh apart. 

Figure 13: Merlin exhibiting sharp point on tip of beak, used to function as an active predator (Photos by Laura Erickson, 2005, and Nancy McKown, 2014). 

3. THE WHIMBREL (Numenius phaeopus)
This species has a long beak that curves downward ("Whimbrel", 2018). 

  • This allows the Whimbrel to dig, pulling crabs and worms out of the substrate. 

Figure 14: The Whimbrel digging a crab out of the sand using it's long, down-pointed beak (Photo by Alan Vernon, 2007). 

Bhullar, B. S., Morris, Z. S., Sefton, E. M., Tok, A., Tokita, M., Namkoong, B., . . . Abzhanov, A. (2015). A molecular mechanism for the origin of a key evolutionary innovation, the bird beak and palate, revealed by an integrative approach to major transitions in vertebrate history. Evolution, 69(7), 1665-1677. doi:10.1111/evo.12684

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Hemert, C. V., Handel, C. M., Blake, J. E., Swor, R. M., & Ohara, T. M. (2011). Microanatomy of passerine hard-cornified tissues: Beak and claw structure of the black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus). Journal of Morphology, 273(2), 226-240. doi:10.1002/jmor.11023

Ishida-Yamamoto, A., & Igawa, S. (2015). The biology and regulation of corneodesmosomes. Cell and Tissue Research, 360(3), 477-482. doi:10.1007/s00441-014-2037-z

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Macwhirter, P. (2009). Basic anatomy, physiology and nutrition. Handbook of Avian Medicine Second Edition, 25-55. doi:10.1016/b978-0-7020-2874-8.00002-x

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